Sunday, December 13, 2020

Welcome to the FRAG Community!

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The Famous Rivers Africa Group connects together serious practitioners of US engagements and activities in Africa. Membership is open to US government employees, servicemembers, contractors, academics, students, and business persons, with relevant equities or expertise in/on the region. This group is primarily a collaborative platform, connecting and leveraging members’ expertise and access. The secondary goal is to educate one another on the various aspects of US policy towards Africa in order to foster greater awareness of potentials and opportunities that exist to further US policy in the region. The group’s moderators will organize monthly webcasts/podcasts with keynote speakers covering relevant topics in the areas of culture, defense, diplomacy, development, economics, health, and technology. Mentoring sessions will also be periodically organized.

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Session 9 with Zachariah Mampilly: What Would Dubois do? Considering the U.S. - Sub-Saharan Relationship from 1900 to Present (15 Oct 2022)

 Phenomenal session with Professor Zachariah Mampilly and 11 FRAG members.

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